Gavin K. Doi, a partner at Doi/Luke, Islandlawyers has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© for 2020 in the fields of Family Law Mediation and Arbitration in Hawaii. Best Lawyers recognizes top legal professionals around the world, through an exhaustive peer-review process. Gavin has practiced in Hawaii since 1995 in the field of divorce and family law, handling cases involving child custody, child support, property division, alimony, paternity, restraining orders, premarital agreements, marital agreements, and other related matters.
About Best Lawyers: Best Lawyers has a global presence, evaluating lawyers around the world, including the United States, where The Best Lawyers in America has been published since 1983. In 77 different countries, this year Best Lawyers has received over 11 million peer-review evaluations in their rigorous process to find the best lawyers in their respective fields.