Photo of honorees from the Pro Bono Celebration 2012, including Gavin Doi, attorney with Doi/Luke, Attorneys at Law. Gavin is a divorce and family law attorney in Honolulu, Hawaii
Islandlawyers’ Gavin Doi Recognized for Volunteer Service
Islandlawyers attorney Gavin Doi was honored for outstanding pro bono volunteer service by the Hawaii Access to Justice Commission and the Hawai State Legislature, at a ceremony held October 23, 2012, at the Hawaii Supreme Court. The Pro Bono Celebration 2012 awards ceremony recognized six volunteers from the legal community for their pro bono work: Sean Clark of Goodsill Anderson; Charles Hurd of Hurd ADR Services; Miriah Holden of Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing; Blaine Rodgers of Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing; Scott Suzuki of the Law Offices of Scott Suzuki; and Gavin.
Dew Kaneshiro, Executive Director of Volunteer Legal Services of Hawaii, presented the award to Gavin, with the following words:
No one really knows when Gavin K. Doi began volunteering for Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii. He preceded all the current employees. He has set aside countless hours from his busy private family law practice to provide pro bono services through Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii. He is a regular at Neighborhood Legal Clinics, conducts uncontested divorce workshops, takes cases for full representation, and mentors young attorneys interested in family law. Gavin is also a great supporter of Volunteer Legal behind the scenes. He helps formulate policies as a member of the Volunteer Development Committee; he’s a sounding board for management; he even drafts grant requests. He’s an enthusiastic proponent of pro bono and, by his enthusiasm and example, attracts more to pro bono work. The staff, clients and Board of Directors of Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii want to shine a very bright light on, and thank a truly exceptional pro bono hero – Gavin Kazuo Doi.

Photo of Gavin and VLSH staff; Gavin is a divorce and family law lawyer with Doi/Luke, Attorneys at Law, in Honolulu, Hawaii
Among those speaking at the ceremony were Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald, Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Dan Foley, Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Simeon Acoba, and State Representative Della Au Belatti, who also presented the honorees with a commendation from the State House of Representatives. Sponsoring the awards were the Hawaii Access to Justice Commission, the Hawaii State Bar Association, ACLU Hawaii, Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice, Domestic Violence Action Center, Hawaii Disability Rights Center, Legal Aid Society of Hawaii, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, Mediation Center of the Pacific, Inc., UH Elder Law Program, Volunteer Legal Services of Hawaii, and the William S. Richardson School of Law.